You may contact me by phone or e-mail. E-mail is the best way to catch up with me unless you need something right away. Be patient, I get lots of e-mail. Don’t be afraid to e-mail twice if you don’t hear back from me!
There are lots of questions that come up frequently. Take a look at the FAQ’s below, and you’re likely to find the answer to the question you might have.
If the answer to your question doesn’t show up here, drop me a note. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
~ Andy
Phone: (508) 298-8504
E-mail FAQ’s
Upon completing your order you’ll land on a screen that says “Order Received” at the top.
You online class will show up in the “Order Details”
The “Join” button will only work if you signed up at the last minute (30 minutes prior to class time.) Otherwise it will bring you to a page that asks you to come back later.
You will also receive two e-mails:
The first e-mail will be from Coachman’s Delight ( with the subject line: Your Coachman’s Delight order from [the date of your order] This is your receipt, and will have the class name with note showing the class ID Code.
The second e-mail be from Andy Marcoux ( with the subject line: [Class Name] Confirmation.
If you see those e-mails, you’re all set!
You will also get a reminder e-mail for the class 1 week, 1 day, and 1 hour before the class.
If you don’t see any of the above, you are likely not registered for the class.
Within 48 hours after the class, all registrants will get an e-mail from Andy Marcoux ( with a link to the recording of the class and the password to access the recording.
That e-mail will always have the subject line of “Online Class Followup”
The link to the recording will take you to where you will be asked for the password to view the video. It’s easiest to copy the password from the e-mail, and paste it into the password box on Vimeo.
The link to the materials page will take you to the materials page for the class. Click on any of the handout links on that page to download the materials to your computer.
First check your spam or junk mail folder for the missing e-mail. Search for subject line: Online Class Followup Sender: or
You must be able to receive e-mails from Constant Contact. If you have unsubscribed from my Constant Contact list, you won’t receive that e-mail. In order to receive those e-mails, you’ll need to subscribe to my mailing list.
To prevent this issue in the future add the following e-mails to the safe sender list:,
If you can not find the missing e-mail, please contact me with the name of the class that you are missing.
Sorry, due to the limitations of the systems that make these classes possible, you must sign up for the class before it begins to receive a recording of the class.
There are a limited number of past classes on my On Demand page.
No worries! Everyone who registers for a class automatically receives links to the recording of the class and the associated materials within 48hrs after the class has taken place.
You must register for the class before it takes place to receive those links, so go ahead and sign up right now.
It’s easy! Take a look at my Clinics Page for information on hosting a clinic. From there, send me an e-mail with the date and location you’d like to hold your clinic. We’ll go from there.