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Forgot to link the dressage test video.
March 8: https://youtu.be/SGlj0Kv4jWA
first attempt at 24:48
second attempt at 36.14
third at 46:52
Great, Thanks! Remind me what time we are meeting tomorrow so I can set up the Zoom meeting.
7pm eastern!
For March 10 meeting:
I have been driving a bit more, after skipping the two weeks of the snowpocalyspe followed by the mudpocolypse and I have tried to video every drive instead of setting aside a day specific to video, but this just means I have 4-5 hours of mediocre driving on video.
YouTube has 4 regular training days and the last day I was specifically intending to focus on Prelim A test.
2/24 https://youtu.be/ecawyyx3gfg
3/3 https://youtu.be/2Lgqu6d2nIY
3/5 https://youtu.be/VgAiCdMnrK4
3/6 https://youtu.be/flV9sqovgcU
There really isn’t anything specifically remarkable in any of the video.
I think I have gotten better on rein handling. By the last videos (3/8) I think my hands are more consistent but I am still not as subtle as I think I should be when driving from the left hand. It looks like my right hand doesn’t want to stay out where it belongs and my half-halts and turns are too much. It has a mind of its own apparently. Falchion mostly seems more relaxed when I drive from the left hand(judging by less stress pooping and less aggressive rooting of the reins), but I’m not sure we are making as much progress in simply lengthening the walk. If I throw her away she goes down, but when I try to keep contact and push her a tiny bit to get a bigger walk, I get either trotting or wandering or both.
I have tightened the curb chain so there is very little rotation of the bit before the curb engages. I do think this helped too, however, when I do have to make bigger corrections, especially when Falchion wants to run though the downhill corners, I end up over correcting and get head tossing and giraffe stuff. I’m working on that but it’s a bit of a change.
I tried to introduce a bit of canter into the warm up. And as I expected, that really gets her keyed up since we haven’t done it in months. We used to do a good bit of cantering when I had a 4-wheel carriage – interval training when in the paddock and just long goes when I had a piece of road with good footing before the county finally repaved that section. I don’t really like cantering in the cart – even though it’s technically wider than the carriage by 3-4″ and I actually sit lower to the ground, it just doesn’t feel as stable – and Falchion seems to dislike the way the cart travels/bumps when cantering. She has bucked when cantering put to the cart and has never done that put to either a carriage or the old wagon. Do you think my breeching is too long? I keep hoping my carriage is coming soon, so I want more cantering to start getting her aerobic fitness back where it needs to be. but I chicken out after 3-4 circles each way.
For 2/12 meeting
Video filmed 2/7. That morning, I did a lot of tree trimming since my whip was snagging on branches. Falchion did not approve the changes and decided there were monsters around ‘B’, really all down that side.
2nd video: https://youtu.be/x9kmrWJI_gU (this is still uploading, will be in in about 3 hours)
First 30 minutes is work on “Developing The Walk”. Still only exercises 1 and 2, still trying to get a stretch that doesn’t involve wandering off.
At 30 minutes, shifted to some trot work, trying to see if I could get any stretch at the trot, but didn’t get much.
For 2/12 zoom meeting:
Tried moving the camera to the inside of the arena, but the angle of the sun means the lighting an issue. I was hoping this would eliminate the parts of the vide that get obstructed by the dead tree and the gate posts, but the trade off in bad lighting might not be worth it.
1st video: https://youtu.be/5WqhzxYNhpM
Up through about 33 minutes is attempting “Developing The Walk” lesson plan, but not progressing beyond exercise 2.
Attempt at Prelim 1 starts at 35 minutes. I took advantage of having someone to call the test. Note, I don’t have an E in my letters stack, so R is really E. All other letters are the correct ones.