Have you ever wanted just a little more guidance for your training, but don’t have a local instructor to turn to?
It can be difficult to find a local instructor with the experience that you need to advance your training with your horse. Clinics are great, but they only happen so often, and you’re looking for help now.
One on one online coaching can fill that gap between live, in person lessons.
Video Review
Sometimes the best learning can happen when you take a step back and look at things from a different perspective.
We can review videos that you’ve taken of your driving, riding, or long lining to find areas of strength and weakness in your skills, and your horse’s training.
I’ll give you suggestions on how to improve on what you’re working on, and what direction you should take nect.
We all know a picture can be worth a thousand words. With horses, they only represent a moment in time, but there’s more information in those moments than you think.
Personal Coaching Page
You’ll get your own Personal Coaching page that will have the recording of our lesson that you can review at any time.
Working With Your Schedule
One of the biggest advantages to online coaching is that it doesn’t depend on weather, travel, or other logistics to make it happen. We can schedule an online coaching session at a time that works for your schedule.
How it Works
Purchase your private coaching session by adding this product to your cart. After you check out, send me an e-mail with your order number to coordinate a time for us to get together online.
Once we’ve agreed on a time and date, I’ll set up your personal online coaching session.
You can share your videos and photos via e-mail, links, or file sharing services. The more you share, the more we’ll have to talk about!
When it’s time for your coaching session, we’ll meet online where I can share my computer screen with you, and give you the coaching you need.
The whole session will be recorded, and posted to your personal coaching page for you to review after our session.
Still have more questions?
Drop me an e-mail to ask your questions and organize a time to setup your private online coaching.
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