Posting images or questions about carriage driving on social media can be a great way to share and learn. Of course, then there’s a whole world of unvetted experts chiming in. Learn how to spot the difference!
Mousepad Trainers
Training & Instruction for the Sport of Carriage Driving
Posting images or questions about carriage driving on social media can be a great way to share and learn. Of course, then there’s a whole world of unvetted experts chiming in. Learn how to spot the difference!
Carriage driving pairs of horses and ponies is great fun, but it comes with one common challenge. Getting the two horses to work equally as a pair. The solution is relatively simple, yet most people go about it all wrong. Learn how to make your carriage driving horses a pair.
Is working your horse longer setting your training back? It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking more = more, but that may be doing more harm than good. Getting the most of your workout may mean quitting while you’re ahead. Read how I was reminded of this by a new horse in my training.
Maintaining perspective while training horses for carriage driving can be a challenge. This is especially true when you’re trying to improve your dressage scores in combined driving. We have ideals in our minds that we’d like our horses to live up to, and when someone misses the mark, it’s tempting to say “poo-poo on you.” […]
As a carriage driver, your voice is a critical aid in your communication with your horse. It’s as important as the rider’s seat. It helps to translate your rein and whip aids into action. Of course, the use of verbal aids can go in a lot of directions. Too much, and your horse is likely […]
From time to time in a conversation or in writing I refer to my “Horse Trainer Lifestyle.” It’s a handy little phrase that can be turned in just about any direction I need it to. Of course, I’m kinda sarcastic, so it’s often used that way. It’s my version of the popular phrase “Livin’ the […]
What do you do if you’re on a runaway carriage with your pony or horse? Stay calm, look ahead (so you don’t hit anything), then re-establish communication with your horse. That last part requires a leap of faith. Learn more by watching the video. You might want to watch it with captions on, though. There […]
It was my last chance for survival… I had just left an airplane at about 6,000 feet (1,800+ meters), and I was spinning on my back being slung around like a doll by a malfunctioning parachute rapidly diving toward the ground. There was no way I could possibly survive hitting the ground at that speed. […]
Snap shackles are fairly common these days in carriage driving. They making hitching and unhitching your horse quick and convenient, but the primary reason for using them has to do with safety. Learn a little more about snap shackles, including the ones I use in this Facebook Live video I recorded on Feb. 7th, 2019. […]
There are lots of great carriage driving and horse training questions on the Ask Andy page. I think it will be fun to answer some of those questions in video posts from time to time. Here’s the first installment! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel
It’s seldom “just one thing” that causes a problem for your horse. I was inspired to write this little note by a post I ran across called “Trigger Stacking.” It’s a great quick read about how one thing going wrong usually won’t cause a problem, but when it’s combined with several other factors, things can […]
There’s specific training trick that most people don’t know about, or forget to use. It’s simple that you can use it every time you take your horse out to train, and he’ll never get tired of it. Checkout the video to learn more!
I’ve been surprised at how many horse enthusiasts aren’t aware of the training scale. Of the ones who are, many view it as an overly complicated, strict set of ideals that can’t possibly be reached, held up by FSDQ’s (Fun-Sucking Dressage Queens.) I don’t have anything against dressage, or dressage queens. Just people who latch […]
Did you know that horse trainers are experimenting on horses every day? In fact, if you’re taking lessons with a horse trainer, they’re most likely experimenting on you as well. What this video to learn more about the secret of equine experimentation, and how it can benefit you. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel
One thing that drives me crazy is “theoretical instruction.” Like most people, I start to get fidgety, even anxious when an instructor makes a deep dive into theory, no matter what the subject. After all, it’s great to know the theory, but I want something I can use! (there’s something you can use at the […]